Table 8: Number of psychological counselling and welfare services sessions and visits

  2016 2017 2018 2019
(No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits) (No. of sessions and visits)
In-centre services  
Persons in custody under Prison Programme 394 809 393 931 410 428 410 059
Persons in custody under Training / Detention / Rehabilitation / Drug Addiction Treatment Centre Programmes 56 305 53 377 48 973 49 210
Persons in custody under Post-release Supervision Scheme, Conditional Release and Release under Supervision, and residents in half-way houses 8 005 7 345 7 875 8 007
Out-centre services 54 905 53 786 52 844 51 580
Total 514 024 508 439 520 120 518 856


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