2015 Annual Review
Download Annual Review (PDF version)(about 9,585KB)

Vision, Values, Mission


Internationally acclaimed Correctional Service helping Hong Kong to be one of the safest cities in the world.


We protect the public and reduce crime, by providing a secure, safe, humane, decent and healthy environment for persons in custody, opportunities for rehabilitation of offenders, and working in collaboration with the community and other agencies.


We are accountable for our actions by upholding high ethical and moral standards, and have the honour of serving our society.

We strive for excellence in correctional practice and resource optimisation, and take pride in our role as society’s guardian and rehabilitation facilitator.

We respect the dignity of all people with emphasis on fairness and empathy.

We respect the rule of law with emphasis on orderliness in the pursuit of harmony.

We are committed to serving our society, keeping constant vigilance and facing challenges with courage.

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