Green Management

 | Environmental Management and Accountability | Environmental Initiatives | 
 | Green Cooperation | Conservation Campaigns | 

The Department always places environmental protection in high priorities in every aspect of its operation. We strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations and standards, and strive to maintain best results and achieve further improvements.  Correctional facilities are designed and operated in an environmentally friendly manner, while conservation of resources remains tightly enforced throughout.  Going hand in hand, waste reduction, recycling, green procurement and education of staff and persons in custody are all pivotal components in departmental efforts towards good stewardship of the environment.

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Environmental Management and Accountability

To facilitate the coordination of environmental work in the Department, the Green Manager’s Committee was formed in 1999. It sets environmental objectives and adopts measures in line with the government’s environmental policies. The Environmental Auditing Team conducts comprehensive audits at institutions, reports the findings and makes recommendations to the Committee and shared among institutions for reference. Sha Tsui Correctional Institution and Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution were chosen for conducting audits in 2016.   

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Environmental Initiatives

Our environmental initiatives include energy conservation and use of renewable energy, green housekeeping and gradual replacement of conventional electrical appliances and lighting with energy saving models. The Department adheres to full accountability in resource utilisation and works vigilantly to limit wastage, conserve water and control office-related consumption. In 2016, we carried out various measures to reduce wastage of materials. For example, we maintained effective communications among institutions so that remnant materials of one institution might be used by other institutions in other production processes. Through close cooperation with our partners, we collect the packing carton boxes for re-use which help reduce wastes and cut costs.  

In respect of food waste management, to further promote the awareness and acceptance of food waste reduction best practices among institutional staff and persons in custody, Food Wise Ambassadors were appointed in correctional institutions in early 2016. The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) was also invited to brief representatives of institutions, Food Wise Ambassadors and Catering Staff on the food waste problems in Hong Kong and tips for food waste reduction. For promoting food waste reduction, a poster design competition was conducted for the persons in custody.  Apart from Lo Wu Correctional Institution (LWCI), CSD signed the Food Wise Charter with the EPD in 2015. Moreover, the “Waste No Food” Scheme has been run by LWCI to reduce leftover in meals for the fourth consecutive year. Persons in custody are encouraged to reduce the portion of their staple food including rice, chapatti and potatoes on a voluntary basis. In 2016, around 80% of the penal population at the Institution has joined the Scheme, resulting in an estimated average of about 15 000 bowls of rice being saved each month. In view of the encouraging response to the Scheme, it has been extended to Nei Kwu Correctional Institution, Tai Lam Centre for Women and the Elderly Unit of Tai Lam Correctional Institution in 2013 and 2014. In addition to the one installed at LWCI, a food waste decomposing machine was also installed at Stanley Prison in 2015. The decomposing machines process the leftover collected into organic fertiliser. The organic fertiliser is used for growing plants in the vicinity of the Institutions for greening purposes.

Sewage treatment and filtration systems are regularly inspected and upgraded to prevent the discharge of polluted effluent and any possible sources of contamination. Noise pollution reduction is another important task. Noise levels at all locations are monitored and, where necessary and notably at workshops, proper ear protection devices are provided. Regular indoor air quality assessments are also conducted to safeguard the health and well-being of all.    

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Green Cooperation

Environmental campaigns are made possible through close ties with other agencies and organisations. In cooperation with the Water Supplies Department, we have carried out works to monitor water flow in 10 institutions with a view to formulating the best practice guides for compliance by institutions to boost water efficiency in institutions.  

On energy conservation, the Chief Executive has, in his 2015 Policy Address, announced a new target of achieving a 5% saving in electricity consumption for government buildings under comparable operating conditions between 2015-16 and 2019-20. The Department is working proactively with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to meet the target. In 2015-16 and 2016-17, EMSD respectively arranged to conduct energy audit at 10 and 11 correctional institutions with higher energy consumption and compiled energy audit reports. Energy management opportunities will be identified by using more energy efficient lighting facilities, air-conditioning systems and machineries, etc. The electricity consumption under the Department’ s meter account was reduced by 4.3% in 2015-16. 

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Conservation Campaigns

We use suppliers complying with high environmental standards, and strive to educate correctional officers and persons in custody with conservation training and ecology-related classes. To promote the awareness of correctional officers and the public on environmental conservation, we took part in the annual Hong Kong Flower Show and won notable accolades for our efforts.


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