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Assistant Officer II Language Test (Chinese / English)

For those applicants who could not meet the language proficiency requirements of Assistant Officer II, the Correctional Services Department (CSD) provides applicants with an additional way to meet the language proficiency requirements.

Applicants could apply for the Assistant Officer II Language Test (Chinese / English) (Language Test). The Language Test, comprised of a Chinese Language Test and a English Language Test, is benchmarked against Level 2 in Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination. Applicants passing the Language Test will be deemed to have met the Assistant Officer II language proficiency requirements. The result will be permanently valid for the application of Assistant Officer II of CSD.

Each test, with some questions incorporate vocational elements related to the work of CSD and with time limit of 60 minutes, consists of two parts.

Part 1: “Practical Writing” (one essay question to test writing and logical thinking abilities)

Part 2: “Multiple Choice” (20 questions cover error identification, sentence completion and paragraph improvement)

Assistant Officer II Language Test (Chinese / English) [Online Application]


Assistant Officer II Online Application