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Disclosure Log

The disclosure log provides summary descriptions of the nature of information requested and released under the Code on Access to Information (“the Code”) by this department.  The disclosure log will be updated on a quarterly basis.

If any member of the public wishes to obtain any information listed in the disclosure log, an information request should be made to our Access to Information Officer. Such requests will be handled in accordance with the Code.

  • 2020

    January to March 2020
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on establishment of staff
    0002 Information on application of suppliers of CSD
    0003 Information on provision of translation and interpretation services
    0004 Information on hotline maintained by CSD
    • Information on number of complaint cases handled by Complaints Investigation Unit
    • Information on protocol for body worn cameras
    • Information on general data on persons in custody
    0006 Information on filter mask workshop
    0007 Information on filter mask produced by CSD
    0008 Information on filter mask produced by CSD
    0009 Information on products of Industries Units of CSD
    0010 Information on filter mask produced by CSD
    0011 Information on filter mask produced by CSD

    April to June 2020
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on filter masks produced by CSD
    0002 Information relating to persons in custody (PICs):
    • duration of different activities;
    • list of approved articles and canteen items;
    • list of Approved Hand-in Articles;
    • major dietary scales;
    • products and services of Industries Units of CSD; and
    • PICs’ earnings Scheme
    0003 A copy of tender document for procurement of goods issued in 2018
    0004 Tender information on procurements of goods in 2017 to 2019
    0005 A copy of tender document for procurement of goods issued in 2018

    July to September 2020
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Copies of the tender documents for procurement of goods issued in 2017 and 2019
    0002 Tenders’ information on Provision of Services issued in 2020
    0003 Tender information on Procurement of Goods issued in 2019

    October to December 2020
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    • Approved Hand-in Articles;
    • Canteen items for persons in custody (PICs);
    • List of tenders;
    • Information on staff establishment and promotion; and
    • Earnings of PICs
    0002 Information on departmental vehicles
    0003 Information on filter masks produced by CSD
    0004 Information relating to PICs:
    • Admission;
    • Diet;
    • Activities;
    • Psychological counselling and welfare services;
    • Suicide rate; and
    • Medical services
    0005 Information on procurement of electronic lockers
  • 2021

    January to March 2021
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on details of official visits
    0002 Information on details of official visits
    0003 Information on Annual Fitness Test of the Correctional Services Department
    0004 Information on Post-secondary Student Summer Internship Programme in the Correctional Services Department
    0005 Information relating to persons in custody
    • general rights;
    • benefits;
    • access to internet; and
    • education services.
    0006 Information on education services for persons in custody
    0007 Statistics on penal population

    April to June 2021
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Statistics and information on penal population
    0002 Statistics on transgender persons in custody
    0003 Statistics on penal population
    0004 Information about detention centre
    0005 Statistics and information on average length of detention
    0006 A copy of tender document on procurement of goods in 2018

    July to September 2021
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0002 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0003 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0004 Information relating to persons in custody
    • Dietary scales;
    • Vegetarian menu; and
    • Menu in July 2021.
    0005 Information on menu for persons in custody with religion
    0006 Information on quarantine guidelines for persons in custody

    October to December 2021
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Statistics on persons convicted of offences related to sex work
    0002 Number of sex workers in custody between 2010-2020
    0003 Statistics on detainees
    0004 Information on education services for persons in custody
    0005 Information on Smart Prison
    0006 Information on living condition of persons in custody
    0007 Information on living condition and institution facilities for persons in custody
    0008 Information on living condition and institution facilities for persons in custody
    0009 Statistics on penal population
    0010 Statistics and information relating to persons in custody
    • Physical confrontation and self-harm;
    • solitary confinement; and
    • transfer.
    0011 Information on the use of electronic tagging
    0012 Information on the transfer of persons in custody
    0013 Statistics on serving sentences and admission of persons in custody
    0014 Information on institution facilities
    0015 Statistical figures on self-harm incidents
    0016 Information on application of prison rules
    0017 Information on processing of letters for persons in custody
    0018 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0019 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0020 Information tender and quotation documents on procurement of goods in 2020 and 2021
    0021 Information on solitary confinement
  • 2022

    January to March 2022
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on religious services and facilities in institutions
    0002 Information about transfer of detainees
    0003 Information about religious services in institutions
    0004 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0005 Information on post titles of civil servants in CSD
    0006 Information of staff working at registration office in institutions

    April to June 2022
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Statistics on separate confinement in 2019
    0002 Information on contract and supplier of food for diet scale to CSD
    0003 Number of detainees in 2021-2022
    0004 Information relating to contacts with persons in custody:
    • visits;
    • communications with family members outside Hong Kong; and
    • visit arrangements under the pandemic
    0005 Number of staff contracted with COVID-19 in CSD
    0006 Information about persons in custody under separate confinement in 2019
    0007 Statistics on persons in custody under life imprisonment between 2000 and 2020
    0008 Information about the de-radicalisation programme
    0009 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0010 Information on major dietary scales for persons in custody
    0011 Information about request on diet from persons in custody
    0012 Information on visits to detainees
    0013 Information on criminal convictions of detainees

    July to September 2022
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information on employment arrangement for detainees
    0002 Information on filing claims for non-refoulement protection under the Unified Screening Mechanism from persons in custody

    October to December 2022
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information about the recruitment of a post of Executive Assistant in 2022
    0002 Information relating to the provision of clothing to detainees
    0003 Information on phone call arrangements for detainees
    0004 Information about detainees in a detention centre
    0005 Information on detainee population in 2021
    0006 Information on major dietary scales for detainees
    0007 Information on hair requirements for persons in custody
  • 2023

    January to March 2023
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information about the social visits arranged between 2017 and 2022, and the penal population in 2022
    0002 Information about searching conducted on detainees
    0003 Information on detainee population in 2021 and 2022

    April to June 2023
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information about the list of suppliers of door hardware and materials for fire rated door and the awarded contract
    0002 Information about persons in custody on admission between 2012 and 2022

    July to September 2023
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Statistical information on self-harm incidents of persons in custody between 2021 and 2023
    0002 Information on detainee population in June 2023
    0003 Information on detainee population between May to July 2023
    0004 Information on detainee population in August 2023
    0005 Information about detention of Non-refoulement Protection claimants
    0006 Information about the arrangements for detainees with children
    0007 Information about the arrangements for detainees’ children
    0008 Information about detainees in a detention centre
    0009 Information about endorsement on responses to complaint cases
    0010 Information about the de-radicalisation programme

    October to December 2023
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Number of persons in custody relating to drug offences between 2013 and 2022
    0002 Number of injury-on-duty cases involving staff between January and October 2023
  • 2024

    January to March 2024
    Entry number
    Information requested and released
    0001 Information about the Ethics College
    0002 Information about the management of transgender persons in custody in correctional institutions
    0003 Information about the services of the Correctional Services Department

Note: The disclosure log does not cover requests from individual persons/companies for information about themselves and their complaint cases, or requests for information already published or available through an existing charged service.