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Privacy Statement

Correctional Services Department Policies and Practices in Relation to Personal Data

(Note: This statement and the annex are subject to periodical review/updating)


Correctional Services Department Data Protection Policy

The Department's Data Protection Policy is modeled upon the six data protection principles as set out in Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486. The main points of the policy are summarized as follows:-

  1. personal data should be collected by lawful and fair means and can only be used for lawful purposes directly related to the functions and activities of the Department;
  2. the data so collected should not be in excess of what are required for the purpose(s);
  3. before data are collected, the data subject shall be informed (in general or specific terms) of the purpose(s) of the collection and to whom the data may be transferred to;
  4. the data subject shall be informed of his/her right to make request for data holding/access/correction provided the request when entertained would not prejudice the lawful purpose(s) of the Department or infringe the privacy of other data subjects;
  5. all practicable steps shall be taken to ensure that personal data held are accurate, up-to-date and retained no longer than necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose(s) for which they are collected:
  6. all practicable steps shall also be taken to safeguard the data against unauthorized access/processing or insecure storage/transmission; and when disposed of as unwanted data, they shall be disposed of properly against unauthorized/accidental access; and
  7. to provide for openness of the Department, information about the types of personal data held and the purpose(s) for which they are collected/held shall be generally available for inspection upon request.


Main Purposes and Types of Personal Data kept by the Department

A list of the types of personal data and the purpose(s) of keeping by the Department is attached at Annex.


Designation of Personal Data Controlling Officer

The Assistant Commissioner (Quality Assurance) is designated as the Personal Data Controlling Officer to oversee compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. The following subject officers, whose correspondence addresses are shown, are appointed as the Personal Data Privacy Officers (DATPRO) to handle specified personal data :

  • Heads of institutions are responsible for the handling of holding/access/correction requests of personal data of staff members and persons in custody in their institutions as well as personal data in respect of the declared visitors of those persons in custody.
    Address :
    As per address(es) of concerned institution(s)
  • The Superintendent (Inspectorate & Security) is responsible for the handling of holding/access/correction requests of personal data of rehabilitated offenders.
    Address : Correctional Services Department Headquarters
    27/F, Wanchai Tower
    Harbour Road, Wanchai
    Hong Kong
  • The Departmental Secretary is responsible for the handling of holding/access/correction requests of personal data in respect of prison visitors.
    Address : Correctional Services Department Headquarters
    24/F, Wanchai Tower
    Harbour Road, Wanchai
    Hong Kong
  • The Senior Executive Officer (Personnel) is responsible for the handling of holding/access/correction requests relating to employment-related personal data.
    Address : Correctional Services Department Headquarters
    23/F, Wanchai Tower
    Harbour Road, Wanchai
    Hong Kong


Personal Data Access/Correction Requests

Personal Data Access/Correction Requests may be made by completing the Data Access Request Form specified by the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data obtainable on-line or at the website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, and addressing to the aforesaid appropriate subject officer.



A charge reflecting the administrative and other costs (for postage, photocopying services, etc.) may be levied under section 28 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Applicants will be informed in advance of the charge and will be free to pursue or withdraw the request.



(A) Staff
(held for the purpose of general staff management)
  Academic & Professional Qualification
Civil Service Housing Benefits & Quarters
Commendations and Award
Complaint, Appeal and Petition
Declaration of Investment
Discipline & Punishment Record
Employees' Compensation
Leave and Passage
Medical Record
Operational Report/Record
Outside Work
Performance Appraisal
Personal & Family Particulars
Record of Service
Record of Staff Interview
Recruitment & Appointment
Salary and Allowance
Training, Career Development and Examination
Transfer & Posting


(B) Prisoners/Inmates/Detainee and Discharged Persons
(held for the purpose of general management of correctional institutions)
  Record of Supervision
Appeal, Petition & Request
Birth of infant for Woman Institution
Board of Review
Canteen Purchase
Certificate of Imprisonment (online application) /Committal Warrant
Classification & Categorization
Detention History
Discipline & Punishment Record
Labour Assignment
Mail Record
Medical Record
Operational Report/Record
Personal Particulars
Recall Order
Suitability Report
Supervision Order/Notice
Urine Check
Visit/Visitors Record


(C) Others(held for the purpose of general management of correctional institutions)
  Prison Chaplain
Prison Visitor


Charges : The imposition of administrative fee may be considered case by case. In accordance with the provisions in the Accounting Circular No. 3/2023 of 10 November 2023, the following standard charges (for black and white copy) shall be applied with effect from 24 November 2023. For photocopying service :

  • A4 size paper at $1.5 per copy; and
  • A3 size paper at $1.6 per copy.
    (Note: Photocopying made on both sides of a sheet is counted as two copies)

The above fee is subject to review.