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Post Duties Salary Entry Requirements
Officer Supervise junior staff, persons in custody, young offenders in training / rehabilitation / detention centres and drug addicts in drug addiction treatment centres; or to work in a prison hospital or in the Rehabilitation Unit of correctional facilities; or to undertake specific catering duties in correctional facilities; and to perform any other assigned duties. (Note: Subject to the provisions of the Prisons Ordinance; the appointee may be required to wear uniform, work shifts and live in departmental quarters.) $43,135 - $83,840
per month
Assistant Officer II Supervise persons in custody, young persons in a training / rehabilitation centre and drug dependents in a drug addiction treatment centre; and perform any other duties as required. (Note: subject to the provisions of the Prisons Ordinance, is required to wear uniform and work shifts and may be required to undertake hospital nursing duties after in-service training and live in departmental quarters.) $24,070 - $36,270
per month
Assistant Officer II Online Application
(Correctional Services)
To instruct and train persons in custody working in correctional institutions. $24,765 - $42,865
per month
Clinical Psychologist To conduct psychological assessments on persons in custody as required by the courts and relevant review boards; to provide persons in custody with counselling services; to advise on, develop and implement treatment programmes for the rehabilitation of persons in custody; to provide relevant training for staff; to conduct work-related data collection/ research studies; and to provide staff and their family members with psychological treatment as necessary. $61,865 - $119,650
per month
Assistant Education Officer To perform teaching duties in correctional institutions. $35,080 - $81,510
per month ($38,715 per month for direct entrants)