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Rehabilitation Pioneer Project


Apart from providing safe custody and rehabilitation programmes, the Correctional Services Department (CSD) has endeavoured to collaborate with educational institutions and community service organisations in order to proactively promote community education. We aim at helping young people develop positive values towards life and become responsible and law-abiding citizens with a view to reducing crime.

In September 2008, CSD launched the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project (RPP) targeting at youngsters. Through a series of activities such as Education Talks, Personal Encounter with Prisoners Scheme, Green Haven Scheme, Visits to Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum, Extended Training Camp, Student Forum, Drama and Music Performance of “Creation and Rehabilitation”, The Reflective Path, Summer Tour, Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders, Mission in Prison and Rehabilitation Express, CSD seeks to disseminate to young people the messages of  safeguarding our country and home, leading a law-abiding and drug-free life as well as supporting offender rehabilitation.

Other Learning Experience (OLE)

Since November 2012, all activities of RPP have listed in the Other Learning Experiences (OLE) Activity Databank by Education Bureau. More information on OLE, please browse the OLE website

Rehabilitation Express (RehEx)

Launched in 2022, the RehEx is a brand-new community education activity of CSD tailor-made for primary school students.   CSD will arrange a promotion vehicle to visit primary schools in various districts across the territory to enhance the promotion of national security, national education, crime prevention, as well as anti-drug and support for rehabilitation messages to primary school students through electronic games and dodgebee, a newly emerged sport.

Mission in Prison

CSD implements a new crime prevention education programme, namely "Mission in Prison", in 2021. “Mission in Prison” is designed using escape room as blueprint, incorporated with role-playing, problem-solving and teamwork elements to bring impressive experience. Participants will encounter different scenarios happened in correctional institutions, and will act as correctional officers to investigate the cases. They have to use a mobile application to conduct investigation tasks and challenges among 18 check-points in Ma Hang Prison, aiming to stop person-in-custody from violating rules, and to help them through rehabilitation services.

The activity incorporates the concept of smart prison to make a real prison into an unique "classroom", which simulates various emergencies and situations confronted by CSD staff, to bring youth people the most authentic learning experience. “Mission in Prison” aims to offer a unique crime prevention learning experience to participants. Educational messages are disseminated to participants during evaluation to deepen their understanding towards crime prevention and rehabilitation.

All participants must be Secondary One or above students.

The Reflective Path

The Reflective Path is a new initiative under the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project launched in September 2015. It aims to enhance students’ understanding of the criminal judicial system and correctional services, as well as the heavy price for committing crimes. Through the simulation of the real situation in prison, students are able to experience the life of PICs in correctional institutions and reflect on the detrimental effects of committing crimes. The project covers a wide range of activities such as mock court hearing, simulated reception procedures, custody in dormitories and single cells, foot drill training, simulated work groups and sharing session by PICs, etc.

To disseminate the messages of the project to students who have not participated in the project, a short video containing the highlights will be produced, and a sharing session will be arranged at the participating school or organisation after the project. The sharing session will be conducted in an interactive approach. Apart from explaining the content of the project by CSD staff, participants of the project will also be invited to share their experiences and feelings.

All participants must be Secondary One or above students.

Education Talks

CSD will arrange uniformed staff to conduct one-hour education talks in an interactive approach for schools and organisations. The topics cover introduction to correctional services and common juvenile crimes, discussion of micro movies, showing of videos on prison life and face-to-face sharing sessions with rehabilitated persons. We aim at disseminating the message of safeguarding our country and home, leading a law-abiding and drug-free life as well as supporting offender rehabilitation to the youngsters participating in the event.

Besides, the “Giving Back to Alma Mater” programme was launched in July 2015. Uniformed staff members will be arranged to conduct education talks at their alma mater to enhance students’ understanding of the messages. Moreover, their sense of belonging will also be strengthened by the programme.

Personal Encounter with Prisoners Scheme

Personal Encounter with Prisoners Scheme is one of the major activities of RPP. At present, male correctional institutions available for visit include Lai Chi Rehabilitation Centre, Sha Tsui Correctional Institution, Tai Lam Correctional Institution, Pik Uk Prison, Pak Sha Wan Correctional Institution and Tong Fuk Correctional Institution. Female correctional institutions available for visit include Lo Wu Correctional Institution and Lai King Correctional Institution.

Under the Scheme, facilities in correctional institutions such as PICs’ dormitories, dining halls and workplaces are introduced to participants. Besides, participants are arranged to meet with PICs. By listening to their experience, participants are inspired to ponder on the serious consequences of committing crimes, thereby achieving the purpose of one life influencing another.

All participants must be Secondary One or above students.

Green Haven Scheme

This Scheme enables participants to have the opportunity to visit the Drug Addiction Treatment Centre (DATC) and the Green Haven Scheme Resource Centre on the island. They are briefed on the compulsory drug addiction treatment programmes in Hong Kong, the criminal liabilities of drug-abuse and the importance of environmental protection. They will also be arranged to meet young PICs of the DATC and learn from their personal experience about the adverse effects of drug abuse.

All participants must be Secondary One or above students.

Visits to Hong Kong Correctional Services Museum (HKCSM)

Guided tours of HKCSM are provided to participants by CSD staff with the aim of giving them a better understanding of the history and development of correctional services. More interactive elements are introduced in its Annex to help visitors understand and experience the works of CSD as well as the importance of leading a law-abiding life and supporting offender rehabilitation.

Extended Training Camp

Aiming at boosting participants’ confidence, developing their positive values, building up their team spirits and enhancing their critical thinking, the Extended Training Camp, which lasts for three days and two nights, features a series of discipline training activities in Ma Hang Prison and on Hei Ling Chau. Throughout the Training Camp, participants will engage in a wide variety of stimulating training activities including adventure skills exercises, foot drill practices, orienteering adventure skills exercises and leadership exercises.

Student Forum

To enhance law-abiding awareness, large-scale Student Forums are held by CSD from time to time, and interested schools are invited to attend. In the forum, a musical drama casted by renowned actors and adapted from the true story of a PIC is shown, where actors will have interactive discussions with students in between different scenes. CSD will also arrange the rehabilitated person whom the story is about to share with students so that they can engage in deeper reflection.

Drama and Music Performance of “Creation and Rehabilitation”

The “Creation and Rehabilitation” Programme is held in Stanley Prison every year. Hundreds of students will have an opportunity to enter the maximum security institution to enjoy the drama and music performance presented by PICs. The programme aims to integrate art therapy into rehabilitation process and helps PICs reflect on the meaning of life through arts activities. Through the drama, PICs will convey to the audience how rehabilitated persons strive to turn over a new leaf and reintegrate into society. Besides, inspirational songs are sung by a band composed of PICs to show their talents, and a PIC who is sentenced to a life sentence for having committed irreparable mistake will be arranged to share his experiences with students. The programme provides a platform for PICs to contribute to the community by warning the students against committing crimes and reminding them the importance of obeying the law.

Summer Tour

Different competitions targeting on the youth are organised by CSD every year to disseminate the messages of safegrauding our country and home, leading a law-abiding and drug-free life as well as supporting offender rehabilitation. Prize winners of the competitions will be invited to join a study tour during summer vacation for free. Throughout the tour, adventure-based training and visits to schools and families in rural areas, an eco-friendly factory of a global enterprise as well as a large-scale infrastructure will be arranged, so as to provide participants with an all-round learning experience conducive to their whole-person development, and to foster the development of positive values and attitudes. A prize presentation ceremony of the competition will also be held on the last day of the tour, during which the participants may share their thoughts about the tour as well.

Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders

Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders (RPLs) is a youth uniformed group established under CSD in July 2018, which will carry the impact of RPP even further by recruiting and nurturing teenagers with great potential of leadership. Through diversified training, the group will broaden their horizons, develop their potential, foster their discipline, enhance their sense of belonging to country and home and social responsibility as well as encourage them to actively contribute to the society in the future by helping promote law-abiding and inclusive values for a better Hong Kong. Over 400 students had been recruited since 2018. Five regions, namely, the “Hong Kong Island Region”, “Kowloon East Region”, “Kowloon West Region”, “New Territories South Region” and “New Territories North Region” were established.

Sign up to RPP

Any schools and organisations interested in participating in the project may refer to details from the Timetable. Please complete the Application Form and return to the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project Office by email (

For enquiries, please contact the RPP Office at 2259 33492174 6002 during office hours or the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project Office (Address: Flat B, 16/F, Block F, 3 Lok Man Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong) by mail.

  1. Timetable
  2. RPP Application Form (Online Form) (Word Format)
  3. RPP Promotion Video
  4. RPL Application Form (Word Format)
  5. RPL Promotion Video
  6. "Mission in Prison" Promotion Video
  7. "The Reflective Path" Introductory Video
  8. RPP Activity Arrangement during Inclement Weather Conditions